Three Behind-the-Scenes Lending Observations

By Michael Cochrum, CUBI.Pro When I was a junior in high school, my school’s marching banding, The O’Fallon Township Marching Panthers, was invited to march in the Orange Bowl Parade. Band geeks around the world, like me, understand what a prestigious honor an invitation like this is. It is equivalent, or more, to a state championship for an athletic team. It’s a really big deal. I have no real memory of most of the parade, however there are two things that do stand out in my recollection of this trip. First, I remember being behind the Budweiser Clydesdale horses in the parade, which adds a level of complexity to making it through the parade with clean shoes. Second, I remember our backstage tour of Walt Disney World on our trip back home to Illinois. Few visitors to Walt Disney World ever have the opportunity to go ‘behind the wall’ and learn how Disney manages to make a family’s trip to their park so seemingly miraculous. W...