How Can Lending Automation Help Support A Better Member Experience?

It is clear that my current primary focus is on data, specifically data that helps credit unions serve members at a higher level. In the pursuit of better data, I often stumble on operational issues that contribute to poor data collection practices. Recently, I was discussing data issues with a credit union and was told that details were being skipped in favor of increasing the speed at which loans could be funded. In other words, data collection practices such as asking for and verifying reference information was set aside in order to expedite a loan closing. I realize on a sinking ship, one can argue that navigation gives way to bailing water, but these credit unions are not sinking ships, and while meeting a growth goal may be important, we want to ensure that the credit union is safe and sound far into the future. Here are some ways that automation software, like a Loan Origination System, can help the credit union achieve higher efficiencies ...